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About Pain Management

About Pain Management

Pain is a significant health problem that costs society at least $560 to $635 Billion annually, an amount equal to about $2,000.00 for everyone in the U.S. This includes the total incremental cost of health care, due to pain alone of $261 to $300 billion, and an additional $297 to $336 billion dollars of loss due to productivity, based on days of work missed, hours of work lost and lower wages. While eliminating pain may always be impossible, Pain Management is effective and available.

Acute v. Chronic Pain:

While acute pain is a normal sensation triggered in the nervous system to alert you to possible injury and the need to take care of yourself, chronic pain is different. Chronic pain persists.

With chronic pain, the system keeps sending alerts for weeks, or months, or even years.

There may have been an initial mishap such as a sprained back, or serious infection. Or, there may be an ongoing cause of pain, such as arthritis, cancer or ear infection, but some people suffer chronic pain in the absence of any past injury or evidence of body damage.

Many chronic pain conditions affect older adults. Common chronic pain complaints include headache, low back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, or Neurogenic pain (pain resulting from damage to the peripheral nerves or to the central nervous system itself).

Recent research reports that more than 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic pain, and that approximately 3-4.5% of the global population suffers from neuropathic pain, with incidence rates increasing with age.

While medicine has made remarkable advances to eradicate some diseases, cure others and extend life, chronic pain is still one they are struggling to understand and alleviate. The good news is they have made advances in helping people to manage their pain.

Pain Management:

Creams, gels, sprays, patches, or rubs applied on the skin over a painful muscle or joint are called Topical Pain Relievers or Topical Analgesics. Many (too many to name here) are available over the counter (OTC) without a prescription. Product sales that are limited to OTC usually do not contain ingredients that have been classified by the FDA as being a medicine.

For any of these products to be successful, they must:
a. penetrate the dermis (skin) and go to the source of the pain (muscles or joints).
b. quickly silence (numb) the nerves that are sending the pain alert .
c. provide the affected area with additional nutrition to eliminate inflammation.
d. maintain a pain-free effect until the situation normalizes and the alerts stop.

Longview Farms is a major producer of Emu oil. Emu oil is rich in hypoallergenic, all-natural and anti-inflammatory nutrition.

At Longview Farms, we have been helping people manage their pain for over 30 years. Our newest and most effective creation is ZAP-It .
a. ZAP-It contains Emu oil, which is proven to be an effective 
trans-dermal carrier, to quickly penetrate the dermis (skin) and go directly to the source of the pain.
b. ZAP-It contains menthol which is proven to silence the pain sending alerts.
c. Emu oil and our special blend of Botanical Herbs are proven to be excellent sources for nutrition.
d. For muscle and joint pain relief, the majority of ZAP-It users report that they are pain free for 8 hours and beyond.

The Longview Farms ZAP-It product has now gained a large portion of consumers worldwide. More than 2 million happy consumers use ZAP-It daily.

Special Note: It is well recognized that the lack of effective nutritional sources, can lead to inflammation in muscles and joints. The Emu oil that is found in Longview Farms “Emu Oil Gel Capsules” is rich in 14 effective nutritional fatty acids, to include the Omegas-3, 6 and 9. Longview Farms now offers a special Pain Management product combo of ZAP-It and Gel Capsules with a combined purchase price savings.




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